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Flueled in part by the $250 million finid through producing partner Imagenation and additional deeppocket funding via MDA in Singapore, Hyde Park has ramped up a busy slate of films at various phases of production.
Hyde Park topper Ashok Amritraj points to a defining characteristic of the slate, particularly the three films closest to the finish line.
"These are all quite different kinds of movies," Amritraj says. " 'Leonie' concerns the life of the American-bora mother of Isamu Noguchi, as it spans eras and the differences between the U.S. and Japan. 'Machete' is a Robert Rodriguez movie through and through, wild and wonderful, exactly the kind of exciting and irreverent genre movie that his fans dream about.
"By contrast, 'Dead of Night' is a totally different type of genre film, based on Tiziano Sciavi's extremely popular Italian comicbook, which deals with a supernatural private eye confronting the undead in New Orleans."
The trio of films are expected to appear in upcoming months, with Fox releasing "Machete," while distributors are vet to be attached to "Leonie" ("a very likely candidate for festival platforming," says Amritraj) and "Dead of Night," starring...