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NY Post's Founder Gets Top Billing The New York Post, a newspaper owned by an American citizen,Rupert Murdoch, just recently began trumpeting its history on the front page with a line reading "Founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1801." Not long ago, the same space was taken by the words "America's fastest growing newspaper." Down at the Post, there is lots of speculation as to why history is suddenly in fashion. After all, before Murdoch's troops took over from Dolly Schiff's forces and streamlined the paper's format, the front page used to proclaim "Oldest continuously published daily in the U.S. Founded in 1801." Some Posties think Murdoch wants to make the paper look like a historic landmark - in the event the FCC forces him to sell it. If it folded, heaven forbid, it would mean the death of a piece of Americana. Those inevitable others think he will sell - and the paper's history might make it more attractive to potential buyers. Post executive editor Frank Devine says the reappearance of Hamilton is related to something else entirely. Devine said the paper got a call from the National Parks Service about the restoration of the Hamilton Grange, formerly Alexander Hamilton's home, in Harlem. "They thought we might want to do something to help the restoration since Hamilton founded the paper," said Devine. The paper is making a financial contribution, and will publicize the project. Devine said he and Post publisher Pat...