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Developers Vying To Refurbish Pier A A PLAN TO ATTRACT DEVELOPERS for a restaurant complex on ahistorical pier in lower Manhattan has done just that: City officialshave received four private proposals and say they expect to select one by midsummer.
The project involves restoring Pier A, the last masonry-arched pier in the city, constructing a restaurant complex and providing space for Fire Department boats, some offices and a visitors' center. The city owns the 50,000-squarefoot site; it would lease the property to the developer and collect rent and possibly a piece of profits from the commercial enterprises.
"We think each of the proposals holds promise," said Michael Spies, a senior vice president of the city Public Development Corp. "There are a number of questions we want answered."
One subject the city must sort out is the development costs, which would be borne by the winning developer. Spies attributes a "dramatic" range of financial estimates - $5 million...