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Two lanes of the Manhattan Bridge were closed for emergency repairs shortly before the evening rush yesterday after workers discovered two support beams were rusting through.
No major traffic jams were created by the sudden shutdown of the bridge's upper west roadway, which carries Brooklyn-bound traffic, the city Transportation Department said.
But the corrosion found on the roadway's Brooklyn approach was so severe that DOT bridge commissioner Samuel Schwartz said he wanted the whole roadway kept closed for at least three months of repairs.
Yesterday's emergency announced itself at 3 p.m. with a loud crunch that was heard by workers rebuilding the Manhattan Bridge's east upper roadway, according to American Bridge, the contractor doing the work. Rushing to the roadway's west side, they discovered two stringer beams supporting the deck had dropped several inches because of rust.
"The stringers were still supported by floor beams, so there was no danger of vehicles falling through the deck," said Schwartz. "But if left alone,...