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FLATBUSH / Rally Will SeekMore Action Against Crack Charging that the police are not doing enough to stop cracksales in the community, neighborhood activist Victor Trimmer will hold a rally outside the 70th Precinct station house tomorrow.
"Anybody who lives near East 21st Street, East 22nd Street or Ocean Avenue knows that these areas are crack supermarkets," said Trimmer, "yet the police seem to be putting little effort into cleaning these areas up."
Deputy Insp. William Baer, who recently assumed temporary command of the 70th Precinct, said the police are not "the whipping boys in this battle. We're well aware of the crack problem there. Undercover and uniformed officers have made well over 100 narcotic arrests since January in a two-block area . . . The problem is not the police. It's the entire criminal justice system."
Baer said the community can...