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Adding Space, Aiding Subways Projects receiving up to 20 percent extra floor space in exchange forsubway improvements.
1 - 599 Lexington Avenue; Boston Properties, developer. Bonus floor area of 146,293 square feet for a tunnel linking the IND 53rd Street station, the E and F trains, with the IRT 51st Street station, northbound platform of the local 6 train. Connections between the north and southbound IRT platforms there, elevators, stairs and escalator. Incomplete.
2 - 885 Third Avenue; Gerald Hines, developer. Bonus floor area of 71,544 square feet for an improved stairway up to 53rd Street from IND 53rd Street and Third Avenue stop, and new escalator from platform to street. Completed.
3 - Union Square; William Zeckendorf Jr., developer. Bonus floor area of 153,000 square feet in four-tower condominium project in return for new and reopened stairways on 14th and 15th Streets and Fourth Avenue into the IRT Union Square station, and reorganization of portions of mezzanine. In development.
4 - Old Madison Square Garden site (Eighth Avenue at 49th Street); William Zeckendorf Jr., developer. Bonus floor area of approximately 162,000 square feet in return for over $5 million in improvements to the local southbound side of the IND station at 50th Street, including reopening entrance at 49th Street with new stairs and an escalator within the building, a new elevator at 50th Street and relocating stairs within the building, lightwells for stairways, extending mezzanine (platform where token booths are located) into building, reorganizing control area, and new stairs, escalator and elevators connecting street, mezzanine and lower platform levels. In development.
5 - Coliseum site (Columbus Circle); Boston Properties, developer. Bonus floor area of 448,000 square feet in return for improvements on 59th Street station on IND and IRT lines, reorganization of entrances and stairways, new elevators, escalators, new passageway connecting IRT and IND lines, widened platforms, new entrances into the new building, reorganization of control areas and acoustical treatments. In development.