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As part of the annual city budget process, the 59 community boards are asked for their capital and expense budget priorities. After the boards' requests are evaluated, the appropriate city agencies respond with recommendations. What follows are the top capital and expense requests from Community Boards 1-6 in Manhattan, with agency responses in italic. Requests from Manhattan boards 7-12 will be run tomorrow. COMMUNITY BOARD 1
Capital budget: Provide for the rental or lease of space for a downtown public library branch. As soon as a site is found, the library will work with the community board to implement this project.
Renovate City Hall Park. Project is included in the 10-year plan. Redesign and renovate Battery Park. Project included in the agency's estimates.
Expense budget: Increase 1st Police Precinct personnel, all ranks. In the preliminary budget, personnel, program and equipment funds are maintained in fiscal year 1988.
Add 20 intersection and traffic enforcement agents. The agency recommends funding this in fiscal year 1988.
Purchase books, furniture, equipment and hire staff for new downtown library. As soon as a site is found, the library will work with the community board to implement this project. COMMUNITY BOARD 2
Capital Budget: Chelsea Vocational High School renovation. Project is included in the agency's estimates.
Alter Abingdon Square traffic flow....