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1824-26 -- Black mountain man James P. Beckwourth travels through Utah.
1847 -- Green Flake drives Brigham Young's wagon into the Salt Lake Valley. Two other black pioneers, Oscar Crosby and Hark Lay, are part of the initial Mormon migration.
1850 -- Census reports 50 blacks in Utah -- 24 free, 26 slaves.
l852 -- Utah's territorial legislature passes law recognizing legality of owning slaves.
1869 -- Two black military units -- the 9th Cavalry and the 24th Infantry -- patrol in Utah. American Indians dub them "buffalo soldiers."
1890 -- Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Church opens in Salt Lake City. It is the first black church in Utah.
1890s -- Several black newspapers are launched in Utah.
1919 -- The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People opens a Salt Lake City branch.
1921 -- Mignon Richmond is the first black to graduate from college in Utah.
1925 -- Mob lynches black prisoner Robert Marshall in Price.
D.H. Oliver passes the bar exam and becomes Utah's first black attorney.
1939 -- A petition circulates calling for restricting blacks to one section of Salt Lake City. Opponents rally at the Capitol. The petition eventually is declared unconstitutional.
1943 -- Ogden NAACP founded.
1945 -- World War II brings many blacks to Hill Air Force Base in Ogden and Dugway Proving Ground in Tooele County.
Jazz saxophonist Joe McQueen arrives in Ogden for two-week gig at all-black nightclub. He makes Utah his home.
Late 1940s -- Ella Fitzgerald is refused by whites-only hotels in Salt Lake City.
Bandleader Fletcher Henderson and brother Horace operate one of several popular jazz clubs in Salt Lake.
1950 -- Ruby Price becomes the first black schoolteacher in Utah when hired by the Intermountain Indian School, Brigham City.
1956 -- A poll sent to 107 restaurants reveals that 51 refuse to serve blacks.
1963 -- The Legislature rescinds anti-miscegenation law of 1898, which prohibits mixed-race marriage.
1964 -- Calling for fair housing and equal access to public facilities, NAACP demonstrates in front of LDS Church office building in Salt Lake City.
1965 -- Nettie Gregory Community Center opens in Salt Lake City.
1966 -- Governor's State Executive Committee on Civil Rights finds restrictive real-estate covenants -- while illegal...