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Whenever Hollywood's newest young Turks talk about one another, Emilio Estevez's name invariably crops up.
"Emilio just wrote and starred in his own movie," someone might confide in admiring tones. ("That Was Then, This Is Now," based on the S. E. Hinton novel). "He's re-e-e-a-a-l-ly hot."
Just what kind of cinematic Wunderkind is this 22-year-old actor, whose most recent performance in "The Breakfast Club" has drawn so much critical praise?
When meeting Estevez for the first time, it's easy to see that his father is actor Martin Sheen (whose family name is Estevez). The resemblance is startling. Both are compact, with the same brownish-blond hair and-most noticeably-virtually the same piercing blue eyes, which study the world with fierce concentration.
On a typical weekday afternoon at the Santa Monica Pier, Estevez's eyes were not so much fierce as full of amusement.
"I can't beli-e-e-e-ve this!" Estevez sat on a bench, convulsed with laughter. In only 15 minutes, he had already watched an elderly gent run through some soft-shoe routines (apparently to music that only he could hear) and turned down an offer to buy some marijuana. Now, as he talked about his role (as the handsome star jock) in "The Breakfast Club," there was another interruption.
"Hey, were you in that movie `Repo Man'?" The question came from a punker who, with a friend, planted himself squarely in front of Estevez. The actor nodded yes. (He played Otto, the suburban punk who gets involved with a group of automobile repossessors.)
"Right on!" the punker grinned. "I work at a video place and we did all the copies for that-like, I seen that thing over and over. Do many people recognize your face? We did `Nightmares' (a four-part horror anthology released in...