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The death toll climbed to 90 late Saturday as disaster workers in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Ontario, Canada, used heavy machinery to dig through warlike devastation left behind by the worst outbreak of tornadoes to tear through the Great Lakes region in more than 40 years.
Large portions of cities and towns in Ohio and Pennsylvania were flattened, cars were tossed about as if they were made of cardboard, bark was stripped from trees and telephone poles were ripped from the ground like twigs by the powerful wave of storms that left hundreds injured, thousands homeless and tens of millions of dollars of damage in their wake.
After flying over the devastation, Pennsylvania Gov. Dick Thornburgh said: "It's got to be seen to be believed . . . . Carpet bombing has been carried out in this area."
Power Out in Some Areas
Late Saturday, some areas hit by the storm were still without power and telephone service, while police using dogs moved through the destruction looking for injured survivors and bodies.
Northwest Pennsylvania was hardest hit during the seven hours that the storms rampaged through the upper Ohio Valley, unleashing at least 27 twisters from roiling, black clouds. The first killer storm hit at 5:05 p.m. Friday. Pennsylvania disaster officials said that the last storm in the...