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This study examined the effect of transformational leadership and collaboration on employees’ satisfaction in the United States banking sector. The objectives of this study were to examine the influence of transformational leadership on employee satisfaction in the United States banking sector and to explore the influence of leader-follower collaboration on employee satisfaction in the United States banking sector. The study employed qualitative descriptive research design. The targeted population consists of bank employees that met the inclusion criteria of the study which involve a minimum of 10 years’ experience in the banking sector, a minimum of a Bachelor of Science or its equivalent, and an age range of 30 to 45 years. The sample sizes of 25 participants were selected using purposeful sampling technique. Out of the sample, 15 participants were subjected to personal interview while 2 groups of 5 participants each were engaged in focus group discussions via Zoom video teleconferencing. Data collected through interview and focus group discussion were transcribed and coded on MaxQDA software version 12. The coding process, involving axial coding, led to the identification of 17 distinct subthemes which were further consolidated into six overarching themes. Three of these themes corresponded to the first research question, while the remaining three related to the second research question. Employing an inductive thematic analysis approach, the identified themes were examined. The study concluded that transformational leadership has a significant impact on the job satisfaction of banking professionals in the United States. Additionally, it was determined that collaborative interactions between leaders and their followers also play a significant role in influencing employee satisfaction.
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