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It blowed up real good. And that's bad.
Not surprisingly, Bjork has made one of the most interesting videos of the year, reuniting with the great director Michel Gondry (who also helmed "Human Behaviour") for the stylish, effects-filled "Army of Me." But MTV has relegated it to the wee hours.
For once, you can't blame the channel for not giving a powerful clip better rotation: It does center on the Icelandic singer's planting and setting off a bomb. Never mind that its explosiveness is meant as an emotional metaphor; even if the viewer has a clear understanding of the symbolic intent, the ill-timed imagery of detonation and disaster is still rather unsettling.
Bjork's one-woman militia takes the lead in this edition of Sound & Vision, which also includes its share of bombs somewhat lower on the 0-100 rating scale for currently airing pop videos.
Bjork, "Army of Me." Before you get around to wondering what it all means, there are digital effects aplenty to marvel at in Gondry's visual feast. While driving a tank, Bjork makes a stop to see the dentist, who turns out to be a gorilla who removes a diamond from her mouth. After a struggle, she puts the now-giant gem under the hood to use as fuel to get to an art museum, where her beloved is enshrined as an exhibit. The ex-Sugarcube plants a time bomb, then re-enters the wreckage to discover the object...