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A JURY yesterday heard how a seven-year-old girl dressed in a pink Pooh Bear nightie was taken from a tent in her uncle's garden and murdered after a birthday party last summer.
Sophie Hook, of Great Budworth, Cheshire, was raped twice and had an arm broken by her attacker. She was then strangled and her naked body was dumped in the sea off Llandudno before being washed up on the shore, said Gerald Elias QC, prosecuting, at Chester crown court.
"These atrocities reveal a depth of wickedness and depravity in whoever perpetrated them which almost defies belief," he said.
Howard Hughes, 31, an unemployed gardener from Colwyn Bay, denies murder and two charges of rape.
But Mr Elias claimed he admitted the crimes in a confession to his father after his arrest following Sophie's death on July 30.
Mr Elias added: "He said, 'I did it, Dad. I must tell somebody. On Saturday afternoon I went into the back garden. I went back at about two...