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Generating plans from scratch is a computationally expensive process. A general framework for minimal modification and reuse of existing plans in new problem situations can significantly improve the efficiency of this process. Although some past planning systems addressed this problem, their methods did not pay adequate attention to the flexibility and minimality of modification.

This dissertation provides an integrated framework for the flexible reuse and modification in hierarchical nonlinear planning. The framework, implemented in the PRIAR system, is based on the validation structure of the plans. The validation structure is a formal representation of the internal dependencies of the plan. It is annotated on the plan by the planner to make later reuse more effective.

Reuse of a plan is formally characterized as the process of repairing the inconsistencies that arise in its validation structure when it is used in a new problem situation. The repair process is domain-independent and exploits the validation structure to remove any inapplicable parts of the plan and to suggest additional high level refit-tasks to be achieved. The planner is then invoked to reduce these refit-tasks, and is guided in this process by a heuristic control strategy which utilized the validation structure of the plan. The heuristic strategy localizes the refitting by minimizing the disturbance to the applicable parts of the plan. The validation structure is also used to judge the utility of reusing the plan in a given new problem situation, forming the basis for plan retrieval.

The flexibility and the efficiency of plan modification in the PRIAR framework are evaluated both through empirical studies and through formal characterization of the reuse processes. The coverage of its modification techniques for hierarchical nonlinear planning is formally characterized in terms of the plan validation structure.


Flexible reuse and modification in hierarchical planning: A validation structure-based approach
Kambhampati, Subbarao
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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