
Model building in the free fermionic formulation of superstrings

Dreiner, Herbert Karl.   The University of Wisconsin - Madison ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  1989. 8923783.

Abstract (summary)

In this thesis we present results in the free fermionic formulation of string theory in four space-time dimensions as presented by I. Antoniadis and C. Bachas. First we discuss how to build N = 1 space-time supersymmetric models. We also use the low-energy requirements of N = 1 space-time supersymmetry as well as chiral space-time fermions to show that the spectrum does not contain any massless scalar fields which transform under the adjoint representation of the gauge group. We also discuss the consequences of these results for model building efforts.

In Chapter 1 and 2 we introduce the concepts of string theory as well as the notation which we will be using throughout the following chapters. In Chapter 3 we review the free fermionic formulation of string theory as presented by (AB) including the rules for model building. We first classify all the possible single boundary conditions for the free fermionic fields in the theory and then classify the cases for which two or more distinct boundary conditions are compatible.

In Chapter 4 we use the rules from Chapter 3 to construct several toy models, which show what possible gauge groups can arise in the theory and how they can be constructed. In Chapter 5 we use the classification of the boundary conditions for the fermionic fields to classify all the models with N = 4 spacetime supersymmetry. We then discuss the different possibilities to obtain models with N = 2, 1, and 0 space-time supersymmetry. We show that the requirement of N = 1 space-time supersymmetry severely restricts the allowed constructions of the world-sheet supercharge.

In Chapter 6 we prove, using the requirement of N = 1 space-time supersymmetry, that the spectrum does not contain any massless scalar fields transforming as the adjoint representation of the gauge group. Independently of this we also show that if we require chiral space-time fermions in the massless spectrum, then there are also no massless scalar fields transforming as the adjoint representation of the gauge group. These results have important implications for model building.

Indexing (details)

Particle physics
0798: Particle physics
Identifier / keyword
Pure sciences
Model building in the free fermionic formulation of superstrings
Dreiner, Herbert Karl
Number of pages
Degree date
School code
DAI-B 50/11, Dissertation Abstracts International
Place of publication
Ann Arbor
Country of publication
United States
Nanopoulos, Dimitri V.
The University of Wisconsin - Madison
University location
United States -- Wisconsin
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Document type
Dissertation/thesis number
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.
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