
The neutral hydrogen companions of actively star forming dwarf galaxies

Taylor, Christopher Lee.   University of Minnesota ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  1995. 9604991.

Abstract (summary)

This thesis is a search for intergalactic HI clouds which have not originated in galaxies. Using the idea that galaxy-galaxy interactions can trigger massive star formation, we employ the Very Large Array D-configuration to survey the vicinity of star forming dwarf galaxies (HII galaxies) with no known interaction partners. Testing the project's feasibility, we survey nine HII galaxies for HI companions. Four galaxies have companions, supporting the hypothesis that the burst of star formation in these galaxies can be triggered by previously undetected companions.

VLA C-configuration observations of five HII galaxies are combined with optical images to study the relationship of the HI distribution to bursts of massive star formation. The observed radial profile of HI density is more sharply peaked in HII galaxies LSBGs in low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs), consistent with LSBGs being quiescent HII galaxies, if the HI in an LSBG can be concentrated at its center.

Following the pilot study, the VLA is used to survey a complete, volume limited sample of HII galaxies. We detect 20 of the 21 galaxies, finding 16 companions around 12 galaxies. The frequency of occurrence is 0.57, statistically consistent with a lower limit of 0.37. Four companions have no optical counterparts and may be intergalactic HI clouds. Our data imply that the HII galaxies are dominated by dark matter.

Deep optical observations of the candidate intergalactic HI clouds extend the detection threshold down to $\sim$25 mag arcsec$\sp{-2}.$ The low detection limits rule out stellar components comparable to Local Group dwarf spheroidals. We estimate luminosity upper limits for the undetected objects and calculate lower limit mass-to-light ratios. Conservative values for M$\sb{tot}/{\rm L}\sb{B}$ range from 90 to 1900, greater than or equal to any known galaxies.

Our possible detection of intergalactic HI clouds is consistent with previous efforts, which were mostly incapable of detecting objects like ours. We show that the HI clouds may be related to the Ly$\alpha$ absorption systems, and have properties that would be expected of proto-galaxies, although we find no evidence that the clouds will eventually become galaxies. We also discuss inferences about dark matter using the HI clouds.

Indexing (details)

0596: Astrophysics
Identifier / keyword
Pure sciences
The neutral hydrogen companions of actively star forming dwarf galaxies
Taylor, Christopher Lee
Number of pages
Degree date
School code
DAI-B 56/10, Dissertation Abstracts International
Place of publication
Ann Arbor
Country of publication
United States
Skillman, Evan D.
University of Minnesota
University location
United States -- Minnesota
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Document type
Dissertation/thesis number
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.
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