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Organizations are constantly searching for ways to lower costs, maximize productivity, and better serve customers locally and globally and are doing so with a virtual workforce (Burtha & Connaughton, 2004). The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study was to provide insight and understanding of the competencies required to lead in a complex virtual environment. Leadership issues in the virtual environment included many complex ideas such as the following: building trust in virtual teams, keeping teams motivated, discovering the best leadership style to manage global and virtual teams, discovering the most effective communication styles in the virtual environment, training virtual team leaders and employees, and proper delivery and assessment of employee reviews. The data analysis completed for this qualitative, phenomenological research study emerged with five major themes. The themes were a result of the interviews and lived experiences of the 20 leaders of the virtual environment. The themes were (a) take a genuine interest in team members and really get to know each person individually, (b) stay connected and have constant communication with team members, (c) clearly set goals and expectations, (d) be results oriented and hold team members accountable for his or her actions, and (e) reward and praise. The concept of virtual teams and leading virtually is on the rise, organizations will greatly benefit from enhancing understanding of the complexities of leading virtual teams.
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