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SMART MANHATTANITES keep a list. They know where to find the true bargains - clean, safe, attractive and, most important, inexpensive hotels in this, America's No. 1 visitor city.
This is the town where nightly rates start at $225 and rise rapidly to m ore than $500.
And this is the town where relatives, friends and total strangers can target extra empty beds and couches like laser-guided ordnance.
Having handy a few names of reasonably priced, well-located and trustworthy hotels can be imperative to maintaining your sanity, not to mention repossessing your bathroom.
Rooms in the bargain hotels are often small, and facilities more limited, but there are some terrific buys in the best Manhattan neighborhoods.
The Pickwick Arms Hotel, 230 East 51st Street, NY 10022; (800) PICKWIK. In one of New York's better neighborhoods, this gem, built in 1930, "is in a constant state of renovation," in the words of owner/manager Harry Wittlin. The modern lobby is compact; the rooms a decent size, simply furni shed and clean. Since the hotel is very popular, Wittlin suggests booking a month ahead.
The Pickwick Arms is a super bargain for a single traveler: $45 sharing a bath with other rooms, $55 sharing a bath with one other room occupied by a same-sex guest, and $75 with private bath. Doubles cost $95 for a double bed; $105 twin. There's a roof garden, in-house restaurant, cafe and room service.
Hotel Metro, 45 West 35th Street, NY 10001; (800)...