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The study investigates educators' perceptions of Restorative Justice Practices (RJPs) in inclusive classrooms, focusing on students with dis/Abilities, within the frameworks of Social Justice, Critical Race Theory, and Disability Studies (DisCrit). It aims to address a gap in the literature on equity in education, particularly the effects of RJPs on diverse student populations. Employing a qualitative, interpretive design with grounded theory for data analysis, the research seeks to understand the nuanced experiences of educators and their views on the impact of RJPs on both students with and without disabilities, and on the educators themselves. Despite limitations such as potential sample bias due to purposive sampling, the study ensures credibility through established methods and triangulation. This research contributes significantly to educational discourse, offering insights into the implementation of RJPs in a way that respects the varied needs of all students, thereby advancing equity and inclusivity in educational settings.
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