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Bigger, better, bolder... New York Fashion Week kicked off the spring/ summer 2000 collections last week in Manhattan. And what a week! First, a rabid mosquito infestation threatened to suck its way through the residents of the Upper East Side of the city and was duly attacked with pesticides. Then a so-called hurricane, by the name of Floyd, threatened to wipe out the second half of fashion week, but petered out, leaving nothing but giant puddles. As if all this obsessing over bugs and the elements wasn't American enough, attending the shows was like being inside the pages of the Hollywood equivalent of Hello! - such was the roll call of stars lining the front rows. No-one could possibly forget they were in the good old US of A.
And the designers didn't want you to forget it either, as flag- waving Americana became a major trend of the week. First was Tommy Hilfiger's red, white and blue collection in Madison Square Garden, a legendary US sports arena, where even the models' make-up - scarlet lipstick, sapphire eyeshadow and dazzling white teeth - reflected the US flag. From the rodeo-inspired, fringed jeans and cowboy boots inscribed "Tommy Rocks", to the Evil Knevil motocross leathers encrusted with glitter stars, Hilfiger's message was clear - "Yeee- ha! Ameri-ca".
Then came Ralph Lauren, the original king of collegiate clothes, re- packaging the uniform inspired by State-side style icons. Miss American Pie featured strongly in red and white gingham checks for the weekend, Wall Street pinstripes for the city, and rodeo leathers - punched out to look like lace - for the ranch....