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Hutt Valley is getting a sewage treatment plant costing less than a third of theprice of Wellington's Moa Point plant, even though it's serving a population almostas large.
Under a contract to Hutt Valley Wastewater Services, announced on Monday, Hutt Valleywill get a new treatment system for $55 million. This compares with $180 millionfor Wellington's Moa Point plant and long outfall.
The new Hutt Valley plant, to be built in Waterman St, Seaview, will provide secondarytreatment of all sewage collected from Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt and Wainuiomata.
Under the contract, Wastewater Services will design, build and operate the system.This will include a biological treatment facility, a new pumping station and holdingtanks at Seaview. It will also build a new holding tank, pumping station and pipelinein Wainuiomata which will divert the area's sewage to Seaview.
The company will operate and maintain...