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The Beat Girls are back on stage with a new season of their 60s pop pastiche.
By Karl du Fresne.
I'M SITTING in a Wellington cafe, waiting for a rendezvous with Andrea Sanders, whena worrying thought suddenly pops into my head: What if I don't recognise her? It'snot that I haven't seen her before - most recently in It's My Party, at Circa Studio.But she's always been on stage, disguised under costumes, cosmetics and wigs. Whatdoes she really look like?
I needn't have worried. Even in casual tank top and jeans, and almost devoid of makeup,the leader of the Beat Girls is instantly identifiable.
It may have something do with her height: she is, after all, the only woman in theplace who's a flawlessly proportioned 1.78m (5ft 10in) tall.
We've met to talk about the group Sanders formed with her partner Billy Watkins threeyears ago and whose show It's My Party - a roller- coaster pastiche of 60s pop - iscurrently enjoying a successful second season.
Formed three years ago, the Beat Girls are a testament to Sanders' multi-dimensionaltalents and eclectic musical tastes. As well as being lead singer she selects thegroup's material, choreographs their impeccably executed stage act and wrote thewry and witty script that links their songs.
For Sanders it's the latest stage...