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art exhibition
It's difficult to miss the large painting of a nude in the window of Tova Osman's Gallery on Ben-Yehuda Street in Tel Aviv. This eye-grabbing yet well-crafted oil - the latest in 20-year-old painter Tal Slutzker's oeuvre - forms a one-painting exhibition called Tova Tahat Tova.
Unlike some contemporary artists, Slutzker continues the noble lineage of high art, particularly the tradition of figurative painting. Like most artists through Western art history, Slutzker is compelled by the nude figure but also likes to spin off old masterworks that are not nudes.
For several years, Slutzker studied under Zachar Sherman, who trained him well enough for Gil Goldfine to begin his review of the then 13-year-old in 2000 with the word "remarkable."
Next, Slutzker painted under the tutelage of Israel Hirschberg, famous for his style of naturalistic painting that unabashedly asserts itself as a formal object -...