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Before the Redeployment
LAST week, Adnan Damiri of Tulkarm returned from a three-month training course in the US for Palestinian secret policemen with a new respect for American law enforcement.
"I always used to say America is our enemy , but now I see America can also help Palestinians," Damiri said.
Damiri, slated to be deputy commander of the Preventive Security Service in Tulkarm, is amazed by the peace process, and his own role in it. "I am a poet. I never would have thought I'd find myself in the police or that America would invite me to spend three months in Philadelphia."
If the Preventive Security Service, headed by Jibril Rajoub in Jericho is associated with collaborator-hunters, Damiri's place in it is an anomaly. In June 1991, he was the first to condemn publicly the killing of suspected collaborators by masked Fatah...