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Candidates spent more than $2.5 million on legislative races in this year's primary despite a dearth of contested seats, according to the latest filings posted by the secretary of state's office.
The various contests also left Democrats with a distinct money advantage heading toward November. They held about 80 percent of the $1.28 million in cash balances reported by candidates in post-primary finance filings.
The money edge partly stems from the lack of GOP contenders. Already the majority in both the state Senate and House of Delegates, Democrats already hold a majority in the Senate and House of Delegates - and they're unopposed for 38 of 100 House seats and three of 17 Senate seats up this year.
A handful of races helped drive up the spending total, led by fights for opening seats in the state Senate.
In the most expensive matchup of the primary, Braxton County business owner Doug Facemire outspent fellow Democrat Doug Stalnaker 2-to-1 in his bid to succeed...