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Acknowledged as one of the great post-war Scottish headmasters, WNS Hoare led the revival and expansion of Strathallan School during the 19 years he was in charge Although he won an exhibition in classics to Cambridge, WNS Hoare modestly never pretended to more than a sufficient academic standing. He was, however, persuaded that other activities, including sport, could and did play a significant part in education. He firmly believed that if a boy could be taught to excel in some enterprise, however remote from the classroom it might be, the confidence it gave him would eventually extend to his academic work. He was no musician, nor had he any talent for art, but he gave every encouragement to those who had.
Cricket was his real talent. As revealed in an extract from The Story of Strathallan School: "His enthusiasm for the art of batting held an absolute pri-ority, and was liable to interrupt any business conducted indoors, the nets being within view and earshot of his study window. With an awe-inspiring bellow, he would leave his audience open-mouthed...