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LOWELL -- In its early years, Merrimack Valley Catholic Charities' main missions were placing children orphaned by the 1918 influenza epidemic into homes or orphanages and helping those affected by the difficult economy.
The Rev. James T. O'Reilly, who founded the Merrimack Valley's first Catholic Charities office in Lawrence in 1919, diligently recorded each day's activities in a ledger, which Catholic Charities still has today.
The ledger shows that MVCC's outreach began by addressing basic needs, said director Virginia Doocy.
"It will say that so-and-so came in on a certain date because her husband lost his job and they had no money for groceries -- so we gave her $5," Doocy said. "It was a simple beginning; if they could help, they helped."
From simple beginnings emerged a widespread social-service agency that 90 years later has helped countless people of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds, from the Great Depression years to today's stressed economy.
MVCC celebrates its...