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LAST week's stirring effort means nothing. Last week's result means nothing. The Wallabies still have to beat England. There won't be much kudos for coming second.
England are overwhelming favourites for the World Cup final.
The current prices are deceiving because the bookies are naturally expecting overwhelming support for the Wallabies from the pubs and clubs and TAB offices over the next two days.
At present, Australia are $2 and England $1.75. That might change marginally but only marginally.
There have been some phenomenal bets on England including $50,000 at $3 some weeks ago and five bets, each of $20,000, plunged this week at $1.80.
All in all, SportsTAB has more than 20 major bets (over $5000) on its books, all backing England.
By contrast there are only four bets over $2000 on Australia's Wallabies.
The biggest of those was placed this week when a punter had $9000 at $1.95. He was a bit late with his support. The Wallabies were out to as much as $9 to win the Cup just a few weeks ago.
For all that, the debate still rages. Can the Wallabies win? Against an extraordinarily out of sorts All Blacks, the Wallabies looked good last week. One match. After all those poor performances. Was it the turning point?
Yes, the Wallabies won and they played better rugby, especially in the...