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Twenty-two years after the release of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," director Robert Wise ("West Side Story," "The Sound of Music") has been able to do additional work that he didn't have time to complete the first time around.
Back in 1979, says Wise, 87, "I didn't get everything done exactly the way I wanted to in terms of the balance of sound and the music and a couple of effects shots. I had to get it done [in a rush] for the premiere in Washington, D.C. It's the first film I ever directed I didn't have a sneak preview of."
This week, Paramount released the DVD ($30) and the VHS ($15) of "The Director's Cut" of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture."
Wise says that during the production of the movie, he was constantly under the gun to have it completed for its early December release date, which was set in stone. "[Paramount] didn't know how complicated it was going to be to get everything done ... properly. I got it done the best I could ... but I was happy to have a chance to go back to it now and do something I wanted to do originally, but didn't have a chance to do because of time pressure."
Notes David C. Fein, producer of "The Director's Cut": "We consider the 22 years the film has been out the longest preview screening in history."
"Star Trek: The Motion Picture" was the first of six films based...