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The University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh issued the following news release:
A panel of Wisconsin professionals will prove that living in Los Angeles or New York is not a prerequisite for a successful media career during a two-day conference at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
SCENE newspaper, Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) and WRST, which broadcasts from the UW Oshkosh, are sponsoring the inaugural Music & Media Conference, Sept. 9 and 10, at Reeve Memorial Union. Panel discussions, live music and film screenings will take place in Reeve Union Theatre and Titan Underground as well as broadcast live on WRST -- 90.3 FM or
The conference's intended audience is students and young professionals interested in pursuing a career in film, TV, radio, music or print media. However, everyone is invited to attend, and there is no admission fee for any of the events.
"We don't often think of the Fox Valley or Wisconsin as having a thriving media...