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BACKGROUND: The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) forms a complex joint and has shown to be underappreciated in its involvement with lower back pain. Research efforts have intensified on SIJ anatomy and biomechanics because of its predisposing position to pain and dysfunction in individuals suffering from lower back discomfort. Previous work has focused on SIJ anatomy including bone and joint structure, innervation, as well as biomechanics and the treatment of SIJ pain. However, to date, no review exists describing the range of ‘normal’ anatomic features of the SIJ.
OBJECTIVES: To describe the normal appearance of the SIJ and adjacent tissues, as opposed to ‘abnormal’ conditions involving SIJ morphology. It will also identify key areas that require further study because of lacking information or disagreement.
STUDY DESIGN: A systematic literature review.
SETTING: The research took place at the University of Otago, New Zealand. All published research on ‘normal SIJ anatomy’ available from MEDLINE, OVID, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, and Science Direct were included, available until December 2018, in English, French, and German. Subject areas included bony landmarks, joint type, bone morphology, ligamentous attachments, muscular and fascial relationships, blood supply, fatty infiltration, and morphologic variation.
METHODS: Articles met the selection criteria if they contained specific information on SIJ anatomy, including bone morphology and architecture, ligaments, muscle attachments, innervation, vasculature, and the presence of fat. Biomechanics and kinematics related
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