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The purpose of this article is to identify three historical images of Black women (Mammy, Sapphire, & Jezebel), discuss their historic origins, and describe the impact of each image on various aspects of Black women’s psychological functioning. Connections will be made between the Mammy image and disordered eating, concerns about physical features, such as skin color and hair texture, and role strain; between the Sapphire image and the expression of anger; and between the Jezebel image and sexual functioning and victimization. Implications of these images for psychotherapeutic practice will be discussed.
The existence of racial/ethnic stereotypes has been well documented and researched (Allport, 1954; Katz & Braly, 1933). Viewed from a social cognition perspective, stereotypes not only impact how information is encoded and interpreted about members of a categorized group (such as women or people of color) but also how behavior, both of the perceiver and stereotyped individual, is influenced. These mental representations or images are difficult to alter and can occur without conscious intent or awareness (Hamilton, Stroessner, & Driscoll, 1994). In addition to manifesting themselves in general prejudicial attitudes (Devine, 1989; Klinger & Beal, 1992), stereotypes also influence power dynamics in personal interactions (Fiske, 1993; Jones & Seagull, 1977; Nagayama Hall & Malony, 1983). Finally, the popular culture and media perpetuate stereotypes in ways that foster the belief that these images are accurate representations of particular groups (Edward, 1993; Sims-Wood, 1988).
Despite the efforts to be more culturally sensitive to diverse populations and to apply such sensitivities to psychotherapy (American Psychological Association, 1993; Sue, 1990), racial stereotypes do appear to influence professional’s perceptions of their clients (e.g., Jackson, 1983; Lopez & Hernandez, 1987). For example, both researchers and clinicians have sometimes considered Blacks to be poor candidates for psychotherapy due to their perceived paranoia, poor impulse control, lack of insight and verbal expression, and lower intellectual level. Furthermore, there is evidence that therapy and research sometimes incorporates these stereotypes (Bell, Bland, Houston, & Jones, 1983; Greene, 1985; Thomas & Sillen, 1972). The literature also documents differential therapist reactions...