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Summary - In order to maintain high-quality performance some performing musicians are prone to take chemical substances, as they want to solve many problems that interfere good performance. Among many chemical substances, cocaine is one of the most expanded among modern music performers, especially pop musicians. Alcohol is harmful for musicians because of decreased quality of vocal technique. Singers and windpipe players should not smoke at all, both for healthy and professional reasons. Smoking singers and wind-instrument players are at special risk of respiratory infection, as every kind of respiratory infection directly affects vocal apparatus not doing well to the quality of performance. For musical population, especially wind-instrument players, it is very important whether Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be acquired over saliva. Among many substances, it is interesting to notice how popularity of betablockers increases. Some other drugs are also used like: sedatives, tranquilizers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) etc. Because of many potential side-effects, it's repeated use is not recommendable.
Keywords: performing musicians, chemical substances, alcohol, smoking, respiratory infections, AIDS, betablockers.
During their professional carrier musicians need to face many problems, which are directly involved with their own profession. Those problems include: fear, tension, stage fright and all consenquenses that might come out of each from these problems. As every musician's aim is to offer unforgettable performance to the audience, it is reasonable why fear, tension or stage fright influence performing musician so much. Each of these problems can endanger or disable performance. Every individual has it's own mechanism when facing fear,1 tension or stage fright and many of them are successful in dealing with all kind of problems that could endanger their performance. Unfortunately some of then cannot find their »way out«. In order to maintain good performance they are prone to take chemical substances , which will help them to solve their problems, both physiological and psychological.
Chemical substances and alcohol
I suppose that majority of general population would find it uncomfortable to participate when being exposed to the audience. Musicians are in similar situation very often. Most of them do find their own way to deal with stress, tension, fear and they make their performance successful. But some of them might have some physiological and psychological manifestions of...