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The recent cancellation of "As the World Tunis" has meant the loss of one of daytime TV's most incident-prone gay characters, Luke Synder, played by actor Van Hansis. He survived "ex-gay" therapy, the loss of a boyfriend in a train accident, expulsion from school for trying to rig a student election and several dozen other moments of soapy intrigue, all the while becoming half of a supercouple with Noah Mayer (played by Jake Silbermann, part of the pair collectively known as "Nuke" by hardcore fans). But with "ATWT" just a memory, Hansis is moving on to other challenges, namely the starring role in a new indie film, "Occupant." He plays the inheritor of a spacious New York apartment who, by the terms of the will, has to lock himself in for 12 days. But is he alone in there? And does it really matter that it's a piece of primo Manhattan real estate if he has to share it with a demon or psychotic person? Also starring Jamie Harrold ("Erin Brockovich"), "Occupanf ' could move into theaters as early as this winter.