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Key words: anatomy; distribution; Bostryx; Bulimulus; Corona; Drymaeus; Naesiotus; Peru; Scutalus; taxonomy; Thaumastus.
The family Orthalicidae is well represented in Peru but, like in other families, some species are wellknown and others have not been reported on since their original descriptions. In this paper we present new records for well-known species and elucidate the status of several lesser known taxa. Four taxa are described as new: Bostryx chusgonensis sipas, B. fragilis, Scutalus (Scutalus) mariopenai and S. (S.) phaeocheilus altoensis. The following species are recorded as new to the Peruvian malacofauna: Corona pfeifferi, Drymaeus (D.) branneri, and Thaumastus flori. Strophocheilus tenuis Haas, 1955 is now considered synonymous with Thaumastus (Paeniscutalus) crenellus (Philippi, 1867). Plekocheilus conspicuus Pilsbry, 1932 is now placed in the synonymy of Thaumastus flori (Jousseaume, 1897). Drymaeus tigrinus Da Costa, 1898 is now considered a junior subjective synonym of Drymaeus (D.) strigatus (Sowerby, 1838).
The malacofauna of Peru is rich and very diverse. Ramírez et al. (2003) list 763 species (excl. subspecies) of land snails, belonging to 28 families. The family Orthalicidae (sensu lato) encompasses 442 species in this list, i.e. 58% of the terrestrial malacofauna. When this figure is compared with those for some other countries in the region, Peru stands out in its diversity, not only of the Orthalicidae but of land snails in general (fig. 1). Like in other faunas, some species are well-known and have been repeatedly reported on; their distributions sometimes extend for several hundreds of kilometres. Other species have hardly been mentioned after their original description and may be very range-restricted. In this paper we present new records for well-known species, elucidate the status of several lesser known taxa and describe four new taxa.
The following abbreviations are used to refer to museum collections: BMNH - Natural History Museum, London, UK; FG - private collection of Federico Gutierrez, Lima, Peru; FML - Fundación Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, Argentina; FMNH - Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA; MNCN - Museo Nacional de Ciencas Naturales, Madrid, Spain; MNHN - Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; RMNH - Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands; SMF - Natur- Museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; VMA - private collection of V. Mogollón Avila, Lima, Peru.
Other abbreviations: AG,...