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Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami officially came into being on November 1, 1971. Of course much work took place before that date to create what was originally called the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada (ITC). The Indian Eskimo Association of Canada (IEA) existed at the time. Inuit leaders met in Toronto in February of 1971 to discuss the formation of a purely Inuit association. It was at that meeting they came up with the name, and put things into motion for ITC's creation. The Inuit leaders at that historic meeting were: Noah Qumak, Jacob Oweetaluktuk, Celestino Makpah, Josiah Kadlusiak, Ipeele KìLabuk, Tagak Curley, and Mary Cousins.
ITK's name was changed by former President Jose Kusugak in 2001. In May of 2002 a new logo was unveiled featuring four lnuit, representing the four regions - Inuvialuit, Nunavut, Nunavik, and Nunatsiavut - surrounding a Canadian Maple Leaf, symbolizing lnuit unity at the national level.
The 2011 ITK calendar features historic photographs going back to the 1970s, depicting the founding of ITC, the settlement of comprehensive land claim agreements, constitutional work, and the recent apology to victims of residential schools in the House of Commons.
ITK plans to hold a conference in Ottawa in November, 2011, around the time of the 40th anniversary to reflect on the history of lnuit achievements, but also to look ahead to the next 40 years for lnuit development.
Inuktitut Magazine will play a part in the Anniversary with a special double issue to be published just...