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Nan Goldin
Scopophilia, according to the press release for Nan Goldin's recent show at Matthew Marks Gallery (her eighth there since 1992), means "the love of looking." While such a benign definition is more or less etymologically correct, we know - via legacies of psychoanalytic theory and feminist critique - that it hardly does the word justice. Indeed, as Goldin herself narrates during her twenty-five-minute video projection ofthat title (dated 2010), scopophilia simultaneously stirs and satisfies desire in the looker, a quite remarkable feat. Yet for its pleasures there is a price: As Laura Mulvey so famously argued in 1 975, the consuming (usually male) gaze renders its (usually female) subjects as so many objects.
For a time, then, feminist theorists, artists, and pleasure-seekers were left to speculate about different modes of pleasure, ways in which desire might operate that would turn the male/female, subject/object, active/ passive binaries on their heads or, better, produce alternatives to them (a task I would argue is no less urgent...