
Ultrasound Imaging of Cervical Spine Motion for Extreme Acceleration Environments

Buckland, Daniel Miller.   Massachusetts Institute of Technology ProQuest Dissertations & Theses,  2011. 0828095.

Abstract (summary)

Neck and back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints in personnel in variable acceleration environments such as astronauts and military pilots. Ultrasound is known for dynamic imaging and diagnostic workup of the axial and appendicular skeleton, but is not currently used to image the cervical spine, the injury of which may change the biomechanics of the cervical vertebrae, which CT and MRI (the current gold standard in cervical spine imaging) are poor at capturing. To validate ultrasound as a modality for imaging dynamic motion of the cervical spine several experiments were performed in static and dynamic human and animal (ovine) models: 1. Static analysis of ex-vivo ovine cervical spines imaged by ultrasound, MRI, and CT demonstrated that the imaging modality affected the measured intervertebral disc height (p<0.01); similar evaluation was done in-vivo in Emergency Department patients who received a CT scan as part of their clinical course that showed that ultrasound could fit into existing clinical workflows. 2. Dynamic analysis of isolated ex-vivo ovine cervical spinal segments intervertebral disc displacement with a mounted ultrasound probe demonstrated a measurement uncertainty of ± 0.2 mm and no bias at low frequency sinusoidal spinal displacement. A similar evaluation in-vivo with humans with an ultrasound probe mounted on a cervical-collar found a 0.8-1.3 mm amount of cervical spine distraction from the C4-5 Functional Spinal Unit. In human cadavers subjected to passive flexion and extension of the cervical spine, ultrasound measurements of the relative flexion/extension angles between consecutive cervical vertebrae were similar to fluoroscopy. 3. Ultrasound was able to record dynamic motion of the cervical spine in-vivo in running on a treadmill, during parabolic flight, and traveling over a rough road in a military vehicle.

The ultrasound methods developed and tested in this thesis could provide an inexpensive, portable and safe technique that can identify and characterize cervical spine anatomy and pathology. (Copies available exclusively from MIT Libraries, Rm. 14-0551, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307. Ph. 617-253-5668; Fax 617-253-1690.)

Indexing (details)

Aerospace engineering;
Medical imaging;
0538: Aerospace engineering
0574: Medical imaging
0648: Biomechanics
Identifier / keyword
Health and environmental sciences; Applied sciences; Biological sciences; Back pain; Cervical spine motion; Extreme acceleration environments; Musculoskeletal injury; Neck pain
Ultrasound Imaging of Cervical Spine Motion for Extreme Acceleration Environments
Buckland, Daniel Miller
Number of pages
Degree date
School code
DAI-B 73/04, Dissertation Abstracts International
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University location
United States -- Massachusetts
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Document type
Dissertation/thesis number
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.
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