SEA ISLANDS OVERWHELMED: STEADILY THE LIST OF CYCLONE VICTIMS GROWS. CORONER'S ESTIMATE OVER 750 DEAD. Other Returns Point to a Loss of More Than Nine Hundred. HOMELESS SURVIVORS STARVING. At Columbia They Have Rumors that 1,500 Perished -- Houses Leveled, Trees Torn Up by the Roots, and Crops Ruined -- From Some of the Islands Even the Fertile Soil Has Been Washed Away -- Heavy Losses to the Phosphate Companies-Vessels Left High Upon the Shore -- Efforts to Secure Relief for the Sufferers -- Gov. Tillman Appoints a Special Commissioner to Investigate the Situation -- He Fears a Loss of Life Even Hearier Than Reports Have Indicated.
New York Times (1857-1922); New York, N.Y.. 03 Sep 1893: 5.
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