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Anglicani novi schismatis redargutio, seu, Tractatus ex historiis ecclesiasticis quo ostenditur episcopos, injuste licet depositos, orthodoxi successoris communionem nunquam refugisse / Grœce & Latine ex cod. ms. editore Humfredo Hody.
Alternate title: Anglicani novi schismatis redargutio. Latin & Greek.; Tractatus ex historiis ecclesiasticis.
Bibliographic name/number: McAlpin Coll. / IV, 417; Wing / H2337.
Anonymous. EEBO Undetermined source library records - unstructured. [13], 2-43 p. Oxford: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1691.
Bibliographic name/number: McAlpin Coll. / IV, 417; Wing / H2337.
Anonymous. EEBO Undetermined source library records - unstructured. [13], 2-43 p. Oxford: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1691.
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