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The overthrow of stage-playes, by the way of controversie betwixt D. Gager and D. Rainoldes wherein all the reasons that can be made for them are notably refuted; the objections aunswered, and the case so cleared and resolved, as that the iudgement of any man, that is not froward and perverse, may easilie bee satisfied. Wherein is manifestly proved, that it is not onely vnlawfull to bee an actor, but a beholder of those vanities. Wherevnto are added also and annexed in the end certaine latine letters betwixt the said Maister Rainoldes, and Doct, [sic] Gentiles, reader of the civill law in Oxford, concerning the same matter.
Bibliographic name/number: Madan, I, p. 146-7; STC (2nd ed.) / 20618.
Rainolds, John, 1549-1607. EEBO Yale University Library records - unstructured. [8], 164, [1], 165-190, [1] p. Oxford: Printed by Iohn Lichfield, printer to the famous Vniversitie, for E. Forrest, and W. Webbe, 1629.
Rainolds, John, 1549-1607. EEBO Yale University Library records - unstructured. [8], 164, [1], 165-190, [1] p. Oxford: Printed by Iohn Lichfield, printer to the famous Vniversitie, for E. Forrest, and W. Webbe, 1629.
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