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Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) has become the standard for lung cancer diagnosis and treatment. However, this surgical technique requires specific and dedicated training. In the past 20 years, several simulator systems have been developed to promote VATS training. Advances in virtual reality may facilitate its integration into the VATS training curriculum. The present review aims to first provide a comprehensive overview of the simulators for thoracoscopic surgery, focused especially on simulators for lung lobectomy; second, it explores the role and highlights the possible efficacy of these simulators in the surgical trainee curriculum.
A literature search was conducted in the PubMed, EMBASE, Science Direct, Scopus and Web of Science databases using the following keywords combined with Boolean operators “AND” and “OR”: virtual reality, VR, augmented reality, virtual simulation, mixed reality, extended reality, thoracic surgery, thoracoscopy, VATS, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, simulation, simulator, simulators, training, and education. Reference lists of the identified articles were hand-searched for additional relevant articles to be included in this review.
Different types of simulators have been used for VATS training: synthetic lung models (dry simulators); live animals or animal tissues (wet simulators); and simulators based on virtual or augmented reality. Their role in surgical training has been generally defined as useful. However, not enough data are available to ascertain which type is the most appropriate.
Simulator application in the field of medical education could revolutionize the regular surgical training curriculum. Further studies are required to better define their impact on surgeons’ training programs and, finally, on patients’ quality of care.
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