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Abstract. Milk quality subsequently affects the quality of milk products. Somatic cell count (SCC) and the total number of germs (TNG) from buffalo milk has been studied function of the lactation and seasonality (summer vs. winter). The lowest average values for SCC were observed in winter first lactation (I) 218.8±59 (x103 cells/ml) and higher values occurred in sixth lactation (VI) 331.2±64 (x103 cells/ml). In summer season SCC values showed higher values of 288.6±79 (x103 cells/ml) in first lactation and 407.4±53 (x103 cells/ml) in sixth lactation. The TNG presented a similar variation with higher values for summer season. Seasonal variation influences the somatic cell content and the total number of germs.
Key Words: Buffalo, somatic cell count, number of germs.
Introduction. International standards require a maximum range of germs number to 100,000/ml in raw milk. Higher values generate difficulties in preservation and therefore in processing of raw milk. A higher temperature pasteurization is required that implies additional expenses and a longer process of sterilization (Georgescu 2000).
SCC (Somatic Cell Count) from milk is considered an operating parameter in sense that SCC expressed buffaloes with mastitis, causing economic losses and also a general hygiene indicator (mastitis milk looks abnormal, altered taste and composition change) (Pucheanu 2000). EEC (European Economic Community) directive from 1992 provides that SCC in milk to be lower than 400,000 cells/ml. The total number of somatic cells is influenced by various factors such as season, lactation, hygiene and health (Velea & Zanc 2010; Khate & Yadav 2010; Chindriş 1998). A correct farm management alongside a good hygiene practice leads to mastitis and SCC reduction (Kelly et al 2009; Hutton et al 1990; Barkema et al 1998; Chassagne et al 2005). In general the SCC is higher in the first few days of post-partum (Schalm et al 1971). Contamination and storage temperature influences the microbiological quality of milk (Pece 2008). The purpose of this study is to determine the number of somatic cells and total number of germs (TNG) from buffalo milk function of season and lactation.
Material and Method. Biological material is represented by Romanian Buffalo breed from Mesendorf TNP farm, Braşov County. The study was conducted on a total number of 120 heads (20 buffaloes per lactation and six lactations). Milk samples...