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This research examines how leadership storytelling impacts organizational performance, specifically profit and revenue. Utilizing an exploratory sequential mixed-method design, the methodology included a systematic review of the literature with a thematic analysis, a content and correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression for hypothesis testing. The qualitative and quantitative methodology results were then integrated to answer the research questions. The systematic review is rooted in communication theories, particularly the narrative paradigm theory (NPT). The thematic analysis identifies two distinct trajectories in organizational performance pre- and post-leadership speeches, thus confirming the impact of narrative strategies on measurable results. The NAFRA served as a typology to identify and classify leadership speeches and narrative types and functions confirmed by the systematic review results. Narrative types focus on stylistic and thematic features, while narrative functions reveal the narrative's strategic intentions and expected effects. The study highlights a literature gap regarding leadership storytelling's financial implications, suggesting future research directions. Subsequent quantitative analysis of speeches demonstrates that including elements defined by NAFRA correlates with improved organizational performance, profitability, and revenue. These results provide empirical support for the utility of NAFRA in decoding leadership narratives and their influence on stakeholder decisions pertinent to strategy execution. The study underscores the significance of varied interpretations of narratives in contemporary organizational settings, with implications for practice.
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