
The purpose of this quantitative correlational predictive study is to examine if, or to what extent, a relationship exists between the variables of years of experience, burnout, and the need for closure in law enforcement officers in the United States. In this study, the researcher used multiple regression to answer two research questions (RQ). RQ1: If, or to what extent, a predictive relationship exists between the variables of years of experience and burnout combined and the criterion variable need for closure in law enforcement officers in the United States, and RQ2: If, or to what extent, a predictive relationship exists between the variables of years of experience and burnout, individually and the criterion variable of need for closure in law enforcement officers in the United States within the overall model. The convenience sample target population consisted of (n = 112) law enforcement officers working in the western region of the United States. The study employed the Burnout Assessment Tool-12 (BAT-12) and the Brief Need for Closure Scale (BNFCS). Standard multiple regression provided results that indicated a positively significant correlation existed between experience and burnout combined and the need for closure: F (2, 109) = 5.34, p = <.05. Further analysis revealed a positive significant relationship between burnout and the need for closure (β = .362, p = .002) and a positive non-significant relationship between experience and the need for closure (β = .002, p = .725). The findings indicate a predictive relationship between burnout and the need for closure exists.


Experience, Burnout, and the Need for Closure in Law Enforcement
Raley, Donald N.
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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