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The sustainability and vibrancy of contemporary businesses in the global economy depend on fostering individual creativity and organizational innovation. This study builds on foundational research by others, which establishes that continuous innovation—fueled by individual creativity—is crucial for long-term business success. This study explores the critical role of leadership in promoting individual creativity and organizational innovation within the information technology sector. Building upon existing research highlighting the significance of these factors for long-term business success, this research investigates how leadership styles influence these outcomes. Employing a qualitative methodology and descriptive design, using semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with IT professionals in Colorado, this study identifies key leadership behaviors and how they foster individual creativity and the resulting organizational innovation. Using reflexive thematic analysis, seven core themes emerged, providing actionable insights for management practices. The findings offer a detailed description and understanding of how leadership behaviors can facilitate individual creativity and organizational innovation within the information technology industry and the businesses they support. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by addressing gaps in current research and providing practical implications for management practitioners who are responsible for delivering creative information technology solutions to constantly evolving business challenges by fostering a creative and innovative organizational culture.
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