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Diabetes mellitus are metabolic disorder diseases due to poor blood glucose control. The diabetic case continues increasing and efforts are needed to prevent it. This study aims to examine the effect of consumption of date palm seeds in regulating blood glucose levels. This study uses a systematic review design. A comprehensive literature search through several online databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, and Science Direct. Articles are limited to publications between 2014-2018. The keywords used are "date seeds", "date pits", "antidiabetic", "hyperglycemia", and "antiglycemic". Results: A total of 173 articles have been identified. Based on the inclusion criteria and critical assessment of the article, 4 articles were suitable for review. Conclusion: the active substances in date palm seeds can improve oxidative stress in pancreatic beta cells so that it can restore insulin production. Consumption of date seeds has the potential to reduce blood glucose levels in hyperglycemic patients and does not change the glycemic index in normal people. It means that dates are beneficial for diabetic patients.
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1 Nursing Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Central Java, telp +628122752061 Indonesia