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The predictive correlational quantitative research study aimed to examine the effectiveness of existing Information System (IS) Tools, such as e-learning tools, in U.S. high schools, highlighting the gap between the notable performance of these IS tools and the definite educational outcomes they deliver, explicitly focusing on educators. Employing Gable's IS-Impact Measurement Model, this research utilizes Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) via SmartPLS 4 to validate the formative IS-Impact model in a high school setting. Valid responses from 237 respondents, such as educators, administrators, and IT personnel across diverse U.S. high schools, were collected. Quantitative statistical analysis adopted in this study includes rigorous assessments of measurement and structural models for reliability and validity. The overall structural assessment shows that most of the critical variables, such as 'Information Quality,' 'Individual Impact,' and 'Organizational Impact' have a significant positive impact on the 'Overall Impact' experienced by educators in U.S. High Schools, except the 'System Quality' has no significant impact. The research aims to lay the groundwork for future studies on adopting and implementing the IS impact model as an assessment framework within educational settings, encouraging data-driven decisions in IS integration. The study's findings may aid in bridging the IS gaps in U.S. high schools by providing empirical evidence for rationalizing IT Success/Impact.
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