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Purpose: The objective of this paper was to determine the actual needs of customers in 3 groups: passenger cars, buses, and truck refrigerators who bring their vehicles to the Service Center to be air conditioner repaired. Design/methodology/approach: We investigated at how variables including service quality (technician skill, service process, and overall quality), customer satisfaction (facility, responsiveness, and satisfaction), and customer loyalty (repeat orders, loyalty) influence customer perceptions. The primary data comes from a questionnaire of 425 customers. Before being analyzed with Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), it was first tested for reliability using Cronbach alpha, CR, and AVE, all of the questionnaires are reliable. Findings: According to the CFA findings, customer perception has a 95 % confidence impact on customer satisfaction. Following that, a separate analysis of the 3 types of customers was conducted to determine the level of confidence in service quality. Ordinal logistic regression was used to conduct a statistical analysis for a Likert scale question, and it was discovered that customers of passenger cars and buses were more confidence and satisfied with their services than truck refrigerator. Research limitations/implications: There were complexity and uncertainty on this study, but each one led to innovative thinking. Due to prior research, there were no additional studies conducted in the context of automobile, bus, or truck air conditioning repair services. The literature review is so challenging as a result. Given the respondents were drivers, their ideas and opinions may have been clouded during data collecting. Only concentrate on surveys for corporate owners or executives if precise data is required. Originality/value: This focused for discrepancies between perceived significance and satisfaction in hopes of identifying managerial issues related to how well customers perceive the quality of service. It is demonstrated by considering the value of each service-related characteristic. Also, this study shows that CEOs should concentrate on creating service practices that will attract customers towards the service center.
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