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The City of Phoenix, AZ, USA has been conducting bicycle and pedestrian counts at 40 citywide locations every year for the past three years as part of the Transportation 2050 (T2050) evaluation of Mobility and Access. T2050 is a Transit and Streets improvement program, and includes enhancements to active transportation infrastructure such as bicycle lanes, sidewalks, and ADA ramps. It is funded by a voter-approved, 35-year, 0.7 percent sales tax initiative.
The bicyclist and pedestrian counts are captured using video cameras. Post-processing is done by manually viewing the video and summarizing the counts by one-hour intervals, which can be broken down by sidewalk vs. street, direction of travel, and side of street. The citywide counts are conducted for weekday and weekend conditions, starting on a Wednesday and extending through Sunday, during the hours of 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Twenty-two of the 40 citywide bike counts were conducted during the last two weeks of April. Nearly half of the spring counts are set to start on Maricopa County Bike-to-Work Day, however, Bike-to-Work Day in 2020 was not observed due to the pandemic.
The spring 2020 counts coincided with the Arizona Governors Stay Home, Stay Healthy Stay...